John Anderson

Role: Director
0415 268 268

John is an approachable, down to earth professional estate agent that is truly passionate about securing great family homes and sound investment properties for the people he is supporting.

Understanding the intricacies of the property game and his ability to navigate that for great outcomes is invaluable. Born and bred in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, he is often mistaken for a country boy with his approachable down to earth nature.

John understands what makes property deals fall over and what makes them come together. It is a delicate balance that can easily be tipped by the wrong move.

Having been in the real estate industry for almost 20 years, John has a deep understanding of the psychology of the individuals in play and tailors his approach accordingly.

John’s connections throughout the real estate industry creates a level of trust with the agents. And this ultimately results in speed to the deal and first mover advantage. Great properties are not always on the market, or for long.